Pazartesi, Ağustos 14, 2006
Managing Incoming E-mail: What Every User Needs to Know
I did a quick scan of the report, seems useful enough to me. Only 38 pages though!
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Ağızdan ağıza pazarlama = word of mouth marketing = WOMM. Bence WOM nedir? Budur. Hararetle tavsiye ederim. *** Bu blogdaki tüm fikir ve görüşler yazan kişilere aittir. Hiçbir kurum ya da kuruluş sorumlu tutulamaz. ***
2 yorum:
Is it me or does it take some time to figure out that you have to click on the title of the post to get to the article?
It does take some time, but good point, I will take this into consideration in future posts. Thanks.
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